Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Grade Up Day

Grade up day, held on May 21 this year, is such a fun and exciting day!!!  This is a day when all of the students (except the 6th grade) get to spend the day in the grade they will be in next year. It helps them to meet the different teachers in that grade, see the classrooms, and get a little more comfortable about the upcoming change. There has often been speculation that the teacher the students go to on their first rotation will be the teacher they get for the next year, but this is just speculation. No classes are set yet, and some teachers will be moving positions. Parents, please be understanding of this, and know that ALL of the teachers at Manila are fantastic, and all of them work very hard and do their best for our children. I know Dr. Sorensen is happy to address any parent's concerns, but I also know she is super busy at this time of year, and if we flood her with calls about not liking the teacher that our children went to first, she won't be able to accomplish the things she needs to do. Please be patient, optimistic, and flexible. And remember that one person's opinion about a teacher may not be what your opinion ends up being... All of our teachers have our children's best interests at heart!

1 comment:

  1. Heidi this looks amazing! Thanks for all your hard work in putting it together. I look forward to using it :)
